Welcome to Attest.TV, a website where Bro. Pouliot saves all of his document research work here. All of his homework research provides numerous different resources and information on-site. From written documents to video logs. He has been investigating the Bible along with the historical books since 2006. This website is built to share and spread the shocking truth against false doctrine.
You might have ended up visiting here because you were either referred to come here or just randomly found this website. You might be wondering what beliefs Bro. Pouliot believes in? What fellowship member does he go to or belong to? Where is he getting all the information from? Whether you’re curious or not, you will find out after your research. The main goal of this website is to spread what false doctrine of the New Testament Bible we were taught. And to understand why we should ONLY trust the TANAKH (Old Testament) doctrine books.
Bro. Pouliot's own words:
Shalom, my name is Philip Pouliot, as Bro. Pouliot. I created this website for a very good reason. This website was created back in early 2020 but it wasn’t active until 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic delayed my time. Before this website, "ATTEST," it was “Word 2 Believe”. The domain name of the website was changed because of the new journey belief. Because I no longer believe in the New Testament books. This is why I had to shut down the old beliefs of the old website, and all the documents I've saved here had to be updated.
So, my fundamental belief now only focuses on the Old Testament (or TANAKH) books. My mission here is to continue to seek, investigate, spread, and share what lie we were being taught. What is the truth we are supposed to know? And understand why our education system is no good. How does all this continue to corrupt?
I am a Deaf man who has been fighting for my whole life, from the time I was in trouble with the law to the day that changed my life around. Because of how I recognize the living we all are living in in the corrupt world. The corrupt world is the dark world that many of us are living in; just don't realize how bad we are as sinners.
After turning my life around to start over and stay out of trouble, I start reading the Bible deeply to find the answer to my prayer. That was when I discovered many shocking truths that were different from how I was taught at the Catholic school. After deep research, I was so shocked and very disappointed at how we all were taught wrong with lies. It was more like a mixture of truth and lies. But the result is, it all lies.
This is why I have been fighting for my life on the right path. Against those false educators who are responsible for altering ’s teachings way. To inform people that we must repent and turn around to the right way. For the gorily of our Supreme Father, , who is our only creator, ONE. The ONLY Mediator who is the emperor of the universe. We must respect HIS creation law of life which everyone isn't heading in that direction. Here on this website, you have the opportunity to explore, discover, and also do the research homework. Be like a scriptural detective who explores the truth and attests to the truth.